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Level 3, 2nd year

Here are some of the 3D models I created in Maya, they are all animated but not yet rendered. They are a lever, a bear trap, a pitfall, some icicles and lastly a trap door. They were created for games.

I also learned how to make my own trap ideas, step by step to make a game more exciting. Below are some of my ideas 

Individual 'lift' stones

Above I designed the base levels to look like individual stones and then together to look like a stone path.  At the front there are singular stones that are moving plates, they move up and down and are called 'lifts'  this makes it difficult for the characters to get on and stay on, if they fall off its a restart of the game. Theses mini 'lifts' can raise the character up to a higher level, back onto the stone path above. 



On the second picture of the project below, it shows more details for example in the middle there is a solid lower level. To the mid right, you can see 3 stones that are like a springboard, that once landed on will shoot the character forward. At the forefront there is a larger trigger box that once landed on sets in motion the 3 mini individual stones which are called 'moving platforms' - these move quickly so are hard to land on, from there you can see to the left of the project the last 3 individual stones that have an internal bounce in them and the aim is to bounce up onto the next nearby plate and so onto the next level of the game. There is another way to reach the last plate and therefore move upto th next level, its by choosing another route that is shown at the rear of the project.  The evenly spaced out individual stones, some of these stones are drop dead falls others are not so its a chance that you take. 

Some drop dead falls
Bounce stones
Moving platforms

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